The Maine Ambulance Association is a non-profit, 501(c)(6), trade organization whose mission is to advance the professionalism, education, training, and social standing of the members; and to promote cooperation between the members, the legislature, the EMS licensing authorities, and allied professions and organizations.
We do this by:
- Attending and participating in meetings with Maine EMS (e.g. Board of EMS, Medical Directions and Practices Board, and various committees).
- Closely monitor legislative activity and participate in public hearings and work sessions on bills that affect EMS.
- Promoting EMS with other state agencies and committees, such as the Rural Health Transformation Team, MaineCare, and the Division of Licensing and Regulatory Services (DHHS).
- Media outreach
- Technical Support for member services and municipal officials
- Advocacy with insurance carriers
- Training for administrators
- Working with legislators and media relations
- CMS Cost Data Reporting
- Developing and implementing social media policies*
- Human resources issues*
- Issues affecting municipal services*
- Keep members informed on national topics and trends
* topics planned for webinars in 2021

Bill Ferdinand, Esq.
(Eaton Peabody)
Legislative Lobbyist